Just the Fiction: Notorious Actual Play - Part 5

Malachi spent yet another day traveling the scorched sands of Talus. As he reached the top of a high dune, movement in the distance caught his eye. Squinting through his binoculars against the glare, he made out the distinctive silhouettes of several Lek'Tok, the insectoid species adapted to this desert world. They seemed to be approaching him, their six limbs propelling them swiftly across the sand.

Malachi aimed his rifle, his nerves on edge. The Lek'Tok were not known for their hospitality towards other species, and he had no desire to engage in an uneeded confrontation. But as they drew nearer, he could see that their posture was not aggressive, and their chittering voices held a tone of... pleading?

The group of four Lek'Tok surrounded Malachi, their multifaceted eyes fixed upon him. One of them, the largest of the group, stepped forward and began to speak in a high-pitched series of clicks and trills.

Malachi listened, his translator trying to keep up with the strange language. From what he could gather, they were asking for his help - to hunt down a fearsome creature known as a Scorp Matron.

Malachi's first instinct was to refuse. He was a Nomad, still bound by the code that demanded he complete his current contract and nothing more. Involving himself in the affairs of others was a distraction he could not afford.

But as the Lek'Tok continued to plead, their desperation grew, Malachi found his resolve wavering. They claimed that they were skilled hunters, but that this Scorp Matron was a formidable foe, one that they would likely perish in trying to defeat on their own but that they had no choice to but to fight it.

"Why should I help you?" Malachi asked, his voice tinged with skepticism.

The Lek'Tok chittered and clicked in response, their words tumbling over each other. Malachi caught the gist - they believed that with a Nomad's experience and skill, they would stand a far better chance of success.

Malachi considered their plea. By the code, he should refuse and continue on his way. But something about the Lek'Tok's desperation tugged at him, everyone on this planet seemed desperate for one thing or another.

Surprisingly, Malachi agreed. "Very well. I will help you in this hunt."

The Lek'Tok erupted into a chorus of triumphant clicks and trills, their limbs flailing excitedly. Malachi raised a hand, calming them.

"But know this," he said, his tone serious. "I do this as a favor, not because it is a binding contract. Once the Scorp Matron is dealt with, our paths shall part."

The Lek'Tok seemed to understand, their movements slowing as they nodded in agreement. Malachi mentally prepared himself for the task ahead. He had broken the Nomad code, but something deep within him told him that this was the right thing to do.


Malachi followed the Lek'Tok as they led him through the desert. The Lek'Tok chittered and clicked amongst themselves, their multifaceted eyes scanning the sands. Malachi remained silent, but alert. This was not his fight, and he grappled with thoughts of whether he made a good decision. Perhaps it was the desperation in their voices, or perhaps it was simply the desire to break the monotony of his hunt and this desert.

As they neared the entrance to the cave, the Lek'Tok's pace quickened. Malachi could feel the tension in the air, the anticipation of the impending battle. He took a deep breath, steadying his nerves.

Leaving their supplies at the entrance, the Lek'Tok surged forward, their six limbs propelling them into the darkness of the cave. Malachi followed close behind, his rifle loaded and ready.

The cave was much cooler than the surface, the air thick with the scent of decay and scat. Malachi's eyes fought against the darkness, searching for any sign of the Scorp Matron. Suddenly, a deafening roar echoed through the chamber, and the massive creature emerged from the shadows, its claws slashing through the air.

One of the Lek'Tok was caught in the creature's grasp, its chitinous body impaled by the beast's stinger before being crushed with a sickening crunch. Malachi reacted quickly, firing a volley of shots from his shock rifle, but the bullets ricocheted harmlessly into the cavern walls, having little effect on the Scorp Matron's thick carapace.

Cursing under his breath, Malachi switched to his plasma staff, the glowing ends flaring to life. He dodged the Scorp Matron's attacks, his movements quick and agile, and struck out with the weapon, the intense heat searing the creature's carapace.

The battle was fierce, the Lek'Tok working in tandem with Malachi, their attacks coordinated, fast, and relentless. But the Scorp Matron was a formidable foe, its sheer size, strength, and armor making it a daunting adversary.

As the battle wore on, Malachi felt his energy waning, his body and spirit aching from the exertion. He knew that if he didn't end this soon, they would all perish soon enough. Summoning the last of his strength, he lunged forward, his plasma staff held out to the side, and rushed underneath the creature. With a final, agonizing roar, the Scorp Matron collapsed, its massive body crashing to the ground, Malachi's staff planted firmly inside it's underbelly.

Breathing heavily, Malachi doubled over, his robes singed and his body battered. The remaining Lek'Tok gathered around him, their chittering voices filled with a mixture of pain, relief, and gratitude.


The Lek'Tok retrieved their supplies and quickly ventured deeper into the cave, there they find a massive clutch of Scorp Matron eggs. Malachi followed, curious to the purpose of the Lek'Tok actions.

They set to work, using strange, insect-like tools and tubes to begin draining a viscous fluid from the eggs.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

The Lek'Tok paused in their work, turning to face Malachi. One of them stepped forward and began to chitter and click in response.

Malachi listened as the insectoid explained the process. As Malachi began to understand, his eyes widened in horror.

"You use this fluid to feed your own larvae?" he asked, his voice could not conceal his disgust.

The Lek'Tok nodded, its movements almost apologetic. They explained that the Scorp Matron eggs were a vital source of sustenance for their larvae, and that the death of these unborn creatures was a necessary sacrifice.

Malachi felt the revulsion wash over him. To take the life of so many unborn, simply to sustain one's own, was a practice that made him feel ill.

"I cannot be a part of this," he said. "I have broken the Nomad code enough by assisting you in this hunt. I seem to have made the wrong decision. I will take my leave now."

Without another word, Malachi turned and began to make his way back towards the entrance of the cave, his steps quick and purposeful. The Lek'Tok watched him go, their chittering voices filled with a mixture of understanding and disappointment.

As Malachi emerged into the harsh glare of the Talus desert, he took a deep breath. The weight of his decision pressed heavily upon him. He had to get back to work.


This fan fiction was generated from my playthrough of Notorious.

Start at Part 1

You can find my review of Notorious here.

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