Cyel's Journal: Week Three - An Apothecaria Playthrough

 This weekend, I decided to heed the advice of the goblin I met on Moonbreaker Mountain and attempt The Calling Ritual to find a familiar. I felt a strong connection to the majestic peaks, so I made my way back to the Moonbreaker Range.

I found a secluded spot, and carefully arranged a circle of stones and alpine flowers, then settled myself within the center. I closed my eyes and focused my mind to call out, asking the wild spirits of the mountain to send me a companion willing to aid a new witch with my duties in service of High Rannoc.

At first, there was only silence, save for the gentle breeze rustling the nearby trees. But then, I heard the soft padding of paws approaching. Slowly opening my eyes, I was met with the piercing gaze of a magnificent snow leopard. It regarded me for a long moment before finally speaking.

"I am Kaymitch and I am at your service."

I was both surprised and delighted. Kaymitch's regal stance and intelligent eyes told me that he would be a formidable ally. As I reached out to gently stroke his soft fur, I felt a surge of power coursing through me, bonding us together. The mountains have provided me with yet another gift.

A photograph of a snow leopard's face
Photo by Latrach Med Jamil on Unsplash

The next day was my first real visit to the town of High Rannoc, and I must say, I was quite taken by its quaint charm. The colorful buildings, the lush greenery, the winding cobblestone streets - it all had a welcoming, almost whimsical feel to it. I could see why the people here were so proud of their home.

Kaymitch and I made our way to the town center, where a beautiful fountain stood as the focal point. I decided to take a seat on one of the benches surrounding it, eager to soak in the atmosphere. It wasn't long before a kindly-looking man with a missing ring finger approached and introduced himself as Ogden Cobbledown.

Ogden seemed pleased to have a new witch in town, and he wasted no time in sharing his affection for the surrounding areas. He spoke fondly of the Glimmerwood Grove, Meltwater Loch, and even the imposing Moonbreaker Mountain, though he was quick to express his distaste for the ominous Hero's Hollow. Kaymitch made a few snide remarks about Ogden's rambling, but I found the man's enthusiasm rather charming.

After my pleasant conversation with Ogden, Kaymitch and I continued our stroll through town. It was a far cry from the hustle and bustle of Lunaria and I found myself enjoying the slower, more tranquil pace.

Suddenly, a familiar face caught my eye. It was Pepper Cromgale, the adventurer I had treated for Pollen Pox just a few days prior. I hurried over to greet her, and she seemed equally delighted to see me. Pepper effusively thanked me for curing her ailment so that she could explore again. She then went on to share that she had just returned from an expedition to Meltwater Loch, where she had the incredible fortune of spotting the legendary Bas Bata.

As a token of her appreciation, Pepper presented me with a small collection of fossil fish scales she had collected during her travels. I was both surprised and honored by her thoughtful gesture. Kaymitch, who had been observing our interaction with his usual aloof demeanor, even seemed mildly impressed.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Kaymitch and I made our way to the towering Lunar Tower. Kaymitch, with a pompous air, immediately began lecturing me on the intricacies of the structure's design and the importance of lunar magic.

"The Lunar Tower was constructed ages ago to track the phases of the moon and harness its power for the benefit of the community. Each pane of stained mage-glass is meticulously crafted to refract the moonlight in just the right way."

I listened patiently, but inadvertently tuned out Kaymitch's words as we ascended the winding staircase. Finally, we reached the upper level and I was greeted by a breathtaking sight. The colorful mage-glass bathed the room in an ethereal glow, casting dancing shadows and beautiful colors across the walls.

I felt a surge of energy coursing through me, as if the very essence of the moon was infusing my being. Kaymitch paused his lecture, regarding me with an unusual softness in his eyes.

"The moon mother has blessed your future ventures with great luck, Cyel. Embrace this gift, for it will serve you well."

The early morning fog clung to the windows as I heard a familiar knock at the cottage door. Bracing myself for another patient, I opened it to find Beorn Birdlin, a renowned composer from High Rannoc, standing on my doorstep.

Beorn wasted no time in launching into his complaint - a persistent cough and strange, unsettling dreams of a beautiful woman attempting to lure him away from his work. My heart sank as I realized this was likely the work of the same vampiric enchantment that had afflicted a previous patient, Roan Gambury.

Beorn expressed his disdain for such "mystical nonsense," insisting that he had no time for casual "trysts" as he was consumed by his work on a new musical masterpiece. I simply nodded, understanding that the vampire's influence had clouded his creativity. I asked if he knew Roan Gambury and Beorn said everyone knows everyone in High Rannoc.

I made a mental note of the necessary ingredients for the "Cynical Love Solution" potion - nest scraps, which I thankfully had on hand from my previous foraging trip, as well as more cynic ivy from the Moonbreaker Mountains and deep reeds from Meltwater Loch.

I invited Beorn to stay at the cottage while I went to gather ingredients but he insisted on going home to work. As he departed, I couldn't help but wonder if this was the work of the same dark force that had ensnared Roan. Would the vampire do the same to someone else after I help Beorn? Will they target me for retaliation? I shouldn't think of these things right now. Stay positive.

As I set out, I couldn't help but ponder the nature of this vampire - was it truly a malevolent entity, or perhaps a lonely, misunderstood creature searching for companionship? Vampire motive aside, I knew I had to act quickly to brew the "Cynical Love Solution" potion and break its hold on Beorn.

The trek up the mountain was arduous, but I was gaining experience here on the mountain and found the climb becoming more efficient. As I navigated a particularly wide ledge, a sudden movement in the sky caught my eye. A magnificent gryphon swooped down, its talons outstretched, aiming to snatch me from the mountainside.

I was frightened but I didn't panic. I uttered a quick incantation, summoning a brief gust of wind that kicked up a flurry of snow, obscuring myself from the gryphon's vision. I ducked behind a nearby rock, holding my breath until the beast flew away, frustrated by its failed attempt. Once the coast was clear, I found the cynic ivy nearby hidden in a sheltered spot.

The trek to Meltwater Loch was frigid, with a light mist hanging in the air. As I approached the shore, a group of gull-drakes began swooping down, trying to snatch the cynic ivy from my pouch. I waved my arms and drove them away, refusing to let them make off with my precious reagent.

While scanning the banks for the deep reeds, I noticed a peculiar stone - it was darker in color and smoother than the others around it. Curious, I bent down, pushed as hard as I could, and flipped it over, surprised by its heavy weight. Underneath, was a scrap of paper with a list of various potion reagents scribbled across it. The handwriting was familiar - it matched the notes left by the previous witch of High Rannoc! The list was signed at the bottom, "Deverias". I now had a name to identify my predecessor.

As I stood up, the massive serpent Bas Bata breached the water, letting out a mighty roar that sent all the birds and wildlife scurrying for cover. I instinctually took a step back, but this time, I refused to be intimidated. I yelled out to Bas Bata, telling it that I would find a way to fix its troublesome tooth, if it would let me. I'm not sure if the great beast heard me, as it quickly sank back into the murky depths.

Nearby, I spotted the deep reeds I had been searching for. I carefully collected a bundle, relieved to have found all the necessary ingredients for Beorn's potion. And with little trouble at that. As I headed back home, I wondered what else I would learn about Deverias.

When I got back to the cottage, Kaymitch was waiting for me on the porch, pacing back and forth.

"Beorn came by four times while you were out," he said, his tail flicking in annoyance. "He's been quite impatient, going on and on about some 'musical masterpiece' he needs to finish." Kaymitch snorted. "As if his compositions could hold a candle to the true masters."

Kaymitch continued to drone on about the intricacies musical composition as I rolled my eyes and went inside, and prepared the "Cynical Love Solution" potion.

Just as I was corking the bottle, Beorn burst through the door, his brow furrowed. "Well, witch, is it ready?" he demanded. I handed him the potion, and without a word of thanks, he snatched it from my grasp and hurried out the door.

Kaymitch had some choice words about manners before settling down by the fireplace. "I hope that potion works, for your sake. The last thing we need is a temperamental, amateur composer on our hands." I told Kaymitch he was free to sleep outside and that I thought snow leopards preferred cold weather. He reminded me that he was a familiar, not a true snow leopard and not to judge him by his looks. I am thinking I should have went to the grove to find a familiar instead.

Thanks for reading my playthrough of Apothecaria.

You can find the beginning here.

You can see my review of Apothecaria here.


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