Heroic Archivist: Let's Talk About It

I have a bit of a problem. I love indie RPG's. I love bundles. I love indie RPG's in bundles. 

Then I end up with 500+ items in my itch.io library plus stuff on my computer, stuff in my DriveThruRPG library, stuff in my Bundle of Holding account, and a few physical books and zines. I have so much stuff that I have never read let alone played. I love that I live in a time when so many creators have platforms to cook up RPG products and supplements and distribute them. I don't love the fact that so many creators and creations get lost in a ocean of releases and are not shared or further spoken about by others. 

Enter Heroic Archivist by Richard Kelly. 

Heroic Archivist is a micro-RPG game / Habit Builder / Habit Tracker / Solo LARP / indie RPG promoter. That is a lot of slashes for a something that can fit on tri-fold 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. 

Here is the gist of the game: In 48 BCE, ships in the harbor of Alexandria were set on fire. The fire spread to the city and the great Library of Alexandria. While many of the great texts burned, the archivist-mages opened a portal and moved the more magical texts to another dimension and started a whole new library there. Now they send archivist-mages to different eras to catalogue as many books as possible before they are destroyed by human folly. 

You are an archivist mage, my mage's name is Folgun, and you are tasked with reading and engaging with as many tabletop RPG rules, supplements, or quickstarts as possible. You get 5 points for reading a text, 3 points for rating the text wherever it is distributed, and 5 points per paragraph written if you write a review somewhere where it is viewable by others. You may spend these points to buy levels and rank up or even get a pizza from the creator of Heroic Archivist if you manage to meet him at a con or something. Your levels help you battle the legionnaires who are still trying to burn down the library. They attack every Saturday and get stronger every week for perpetuity. So get reading and reviewing! The only caveat is you have to engage with products from indie publishers and designers, the big guys don't really need the extra visibility.

There we go, Folgun earned 20 points from this post. Time to level up.

You can name any price and get your copy of Heroic Archivist here at itch.io 



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