Hello World, Again

Welcome everyone to the Fictive Fun blog.

This is actually a reboot of a blog that I had managed regularly from 2017-2022. Technically 2017-2019 because I pretty much quit playing tabletop roleplaying games back in 2020. 

My natural habits with any hobby finds me becoming engrossed in it for a time period before getting bored and not participating at all, then to once again becoming enamored and engaging with it again. It is a vicious cycle and probably the reason I selected the ouroboros as my blogger profile picture.

The original blog was on WordPress and I liked the customization options and all the little plugins involved but it all became a distraction and eventually it became bloated as I was consistently tinkering with all the little settings. I became overwhelmed with it when I started to lose interest in tabletop RPG's and just quit paying attention to it for years (although I was still paying monetarily for it). 

I remember using Blogger years ago for a separate interest/hobby blog and remembered how simple it was and its ease of use. Back then I viewed the lack of features as a hindering limitation but now I think I see it as a useful limitation. Sometimes I feel I could use more simplicity in the things I take interest in. 

I am going to cut and paste my introductory post from the old blog here since this blog is going to be much the same and trying to create another original introductory post seems redundant to me. Check it out below and thanks for stopping by.

The original post from the original blog was posted on October 22nd, 2017

Fictive Fun?

You may be thinking, “What an odd name for a blog!”

What does “Fictive” mean?

Well according to Dictionary.com, the word “fictive” is an adjective that means: fictitious or imaginary or pertaining to the creation of fiction.

There are many ways in which we humans digest fiction. Television, movies, books, video games, the internet, etc. are all mediums in which we can consume fiction. We may touch on these media now and then but they are not the main focus of this blog. This blog instead focuses on the type of media that doesn’t just feed us fiction but allows us to immerse with it, be enveloped by it, and shape it so that our experience with the fiction isn’t just as the audience but also as a participant. That media is gaming and more specifically, tabletop gaming.

I can hear the collective groan from all the way over here. “Oh god! Another one of these basement nerds with a blog about playing make believe!”

It’s okay.

Most of us “nerds” have pretty thick skins when it comes to harsh words of judgement, but If I may make a defense case against that statement. What is wrong with playing “make believe” every now and then? Heck, every weekend people spend millions of dollars to go sit in a dark room and watch people play “make believe” on the silver screen.

Some of us choose to actively participate in the fiction rather than just passively consume it. We do it because we find it fun.

Therefore I want to write posts about it because I find it fun.

And the definition of ‘fun’?

Well…if you don’t know the definition of “fun”, then you have more pressing issues going on that I am probably under-qualified to assess.

So…what was the purpose of this post?

The purpose of this post was just a quick introduction, what’s with all the questions?

Just kidding. To summarize, this blog is going to be about gaming with the main focus on tabletop gaming. I’m sure video games or other media may also wiggle their way into blog as well but I am not too worried about it.

If you read this far, thank you, and I hope you come again to visit in the near future. Feel free to comment or make suggestions, because I am still a noob at all this and could use all the help I could get.

And there we go! The blog is officially started anew.

Oh boy...

...which way is the exit again?


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