Just the Fiction: Notorious Actual Play - Part 6

The town of Vas Remas, the largest on Talus, shone like a lonely street light in a dark alley. It's lights illuminated a small section of the vast night sky.

Malachi made his way into the central square, throngs of humans and Murians packed the open area. The open market conducted its business under the cool air of the night stars instead of the blazing hot day.

City skyline at dusk

Although the day's events had exhausted the Nomad, Malachi wandered through the crowd, questioning anyone who would listen. "Kwame Devine," he would lean in close so that the question could be heard over the murmur of the crowd. "Have you seen him or know anyone who has?"

He was met with the all-too familiar response - shaking heads, shrugs, a "don't know" or "can't help you".

His head felt heavy, a headache from spending too much time in the heat and not enough time asleep began to pulsate within his crystal head.

Suddenly, a bit of movement caught his vison. Malachi snatched his hand downward and found the small, furry arm of a young Murian in his grasp.

"Trying to steal from me, little one?"

The Murian child stammered, her large eyes showed fear. "I… was just looking at your rifle sir. I wasn't stealing nuthin'."

Malachi retorted, "I beg to differ. You shouldn't try to steal if you aren't good at it. Especially from a Nomad. You should do a better job at picking your targets."

The Murian girl felt ashamed, her eyes avoiding contact with Malachi's. "You looked tired or injured or something. I thought maybe you wouldn't notice."

Malachi couldn't help but feel pity for the child. Forced to survive the streets of Vas Remas. She was clearly desperate. Another desperate soul on a planet full of them. "And what would you have done with my rifle, hmm?" he asked as he let go of her wrist.

Rubbing her wrist, the Murian girl looked up, her eyes now brimming with child-like curiosity. "I... I don't know," she said. "I just thought... maybe I could sell it, or use it to protect myself, or even become a Nomad myself! You Nomads can go anywhere you want, do anything you want. I wish I could be a Nomad."

Malachi kneeled down to be closer to eye level with the Murian. "It's true. Nomads are afforded the luxury of freedoms that others don't experience. But there is a price that we pay for that luxury. We live by a strict code, one that demands we put our contracts above all else. We cannot afford attachments, like friends or have families, or to be swayed by the misfortune of others." He paused, his eyes meeting the girl's. "Perhaps it is not a life you would truly wish for."

The Murian girl stayed quiet and pondered the thought. Malachi pressed some credits into her hand and disappeared into the crowd.


As Malachi continued to wander the market, the obvious clicks and trills of a Lek'Tok could be heard. Nearby, a Lek'Tok merchant was gesturing towards the Nomad. Malachi obliged to meet him and switched on his translator.

"Wonderful to meet you Nomad Malachi Das! I am Brokk and have heard of the deeds you accomplished for my people. Please, allow me to offer you shelter tonight at my abode.

As much as Malachi wanted to keep working, there was no denying the exhaustion he was feeling. "Okay. Thank you for your kindness."

Brokk closed up his tiny shop before leading Malachi to a small but comfortable dwelling. They settled in and the Lek'Tok gave Malachi a simple but fulfilling meal, and the two began to converse.

The talk was light at first, discussions about Talus, the Nomads, and thoughts about the war. But as the conversation lasted deeper into the night, Malachi grew more candid and spoke about the frustrations of hunting this target here on Talus and his difficulties with the climate. Even more words began to pour out unfiltered.

"I have to admit, I was very disturbed by what I saw in the Scorp Matron's nest. The way the Lek'Tok feed their young through so much destruction is horrifying."

Brokk angered quickly, jumping to a stand. "You too judge us, Nomad? You know nothing of the struggles faced by the Lek'tok! The sacrifices made to avoid the extinction of my people!"

Malachi held both hands in front of him. "I mean no offense, Brokk. I just-"

"Get out!" the Lek'Tok chittered loudly. "We thought of you different. But you are just as quick to condemn our ways."

Malachi thought to protest but ultimately conceded to the request. He headed back out into the night, tired and regretful.


While in the market again, Malachi overhead some merchants talking about how they camped at the ruins of the old starship to the north. Apparently this ruin had been there for centuries and a popular place for travelers to camp on their way to Vas Remas.

"Any lead is as good as any other," Malachi thought. He pulled his robes tight and headed north, towards the skeleton of an ancient battle.


This fan fiction was generated from my playthrough of Notorious.

Part 7

Start at Part 1

You can find my review of Notorious here.

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