The August 2024 Recap

 August is over already? Goodbye summer. Well, I live in the southern portion of the US so I guess we still have some summer left. I'm actually ready for the heat to go away now.

I read through quite a few TTRPG books in August but only got to play one game. That game was Apothecaria and I have a few playthrough fiction entries and a review up on the blog. 

Photo by 2Photo Pots on Unsplash

Games That I Read

Summit - A solo game about a mountain climber ascending to the peak of the mountain while reflecting on their life. This was creative but the subject matter and setting didn't draw me into playing.

High Above Them All - An "Alone Among The Stars" type game about an inhabitant on a floating island observing the world as they float in the sky. I am not a big fan of the "Alone" series of games but my hobby of reading RPG's will always draw me to them.

Shelf Talker - This game fits on a bookmark. A micro-sized writing game in which you come up with some "hype-text" in order to sell an imaginary book.

Lighthouse Keepers - A sprinkle of cosmic horror and isolation built on the framework of "The Quiet Year." The setting is a an ancient lighthouse. I really enjoyed playing "The Quiet Year" with a group and this game seems like it would be more fun with a group than solo.

World Maker - A solo game that utilizes a deck of cards to help build the details of a setting, including the descriptions and relationships of characters. I had high hopes for this one based on a short description but it fell short of my expectations. It is a solid supplement for character ideas though.

You're Sick (and it's your fault) - A solo journaling game that utilizes the "Wretched & Alone" system to tell the story of someone undergoing treatment for a possible terminal disease. This one really hit me in a soft spot because I lost my father to cancer not long ago. This is a game that I will probably never play but I am very glad I read it. The prompts really drive home the worries and obstacles faced by those who are dealing with serious health issue. It also has a really cool dice systems that mimics the destabilizing Jenga tower that is supposed to be used with the game.

Beast at Bay - A solo micro-game about lycanthrope struggling to hold on to their humanity as the beast within wants to emerge. 

1888: Amenti - A short solo journaling game about a person trudging across the desert at the behest of ancient gods and trying to make sense of the visions the gods give them.

Triple-O - A solo engine for emulating other characters in a solo game in case you want to play a game designed for multiple player characters and want to randomize the action of other player's PC's

Mazes - An OSR (Old School Renaissance) game about adventurers who delve into the dark places of the world. I got this bundle on Bundle of Holding because I was always curious about this game. I really like how characters are created in this with just a few questions answered by the players. This game is aimed at one-shots rather than campaign play or character progression.

Mazes: Beneath the Moor of Shadow - The first dungeon released specifically for Mazes. A dungeon of sadness.

Songs and Sagas - Another OSR system. I love reading OSR stuff even though I never run them, oh the curse of this hobby! Interesting resolution mechanic that sees the GM drawing cards from a deck that may affect the target number a dice roll would have to beat. Players can also use cards to aid them in completing objectives that may arise during play.

Grounding with Tea - A meditation or reflection session to be performed while making a cup of tea. All about living in the present.

Yourself - A solo journaling game about self-reflection and identity. You play as a changeling and draw tarot cards to complete various journaling prompts. The prompts will tug on the human vs. fae identity theme and the game is played over several "acts" concluding with a final journal entry about your character's true identity to themself. 

Although I read quite a few games in August, none of them really called to me for a playthrough besides the aforementioned Apothecaria. But that is okay. Reading TTRPG material is a hobby unto itself and I still have hundreds of games that I want to read and hope to continue gaining my Archivist-Mage levels (level 10 now!).

I have begun to feel the pull of losing interest in blogging again, something that has occurred more often than I can count in my life as a wannabe content creator. I will try to power through the best I can and post at least a couple times a month, weekly would be ideal of course. It's tough as a new (again?) blogger that gets no engagement but I do like to share my thoughts on gaming and hope to continue doing so, at least in the short term. I know I am but a tiny speck in an ocean of places that are vying for your attention, but if you do frequent my tiny speck from time to time, I would love to hear your thoughts as well. Thank you.


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