
Showing posts from July, 2024

Just the Fiction: Notorious Actual Play - Part 6

The town of Vas Remas, the largest on Talus, shone like a lonely street light in a dark alley. It's lights illuminated a small section of the vast night sky. Malachi made his way into the central square, throngs of humans and Murians packed the open area. The open market conducted its business under the cool air of the night stars instead of the blazing hot day. Although the day's events had exhausted the Nomad, Malachi wandered through the crowd, questioning anyone who would listen. "Kwame Devine," he would lean in close so that the question could be heard over the murmur of the crowd. "Have you seen him or know anyone who has?" He was met with the all-too familiar response - shaking heads, shrugs, a "don't know" or "can't help you". His head felt heavy, a headache from spending too much time in the heat and not enough time asleep began to pulsate within his crystal head. Suddenly, a bit of movement caught his vison. Malachi snat